Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Favorite Books-2014

 Hello there :)
So I thought I'd bring you a slightly different post to my usual mental health posts on this grey Sunday. I've really gotten into watching 'Book Favourites' videos on YouTube and got inspired to do my own version on my blog.
I've always been a bit of a book worm since I was little and so I read a lot, but I've managed to narrow my favourite books of 2014 (so far) to just 5 for you, however I couldn't put them in preference order it was just too hard!  

Divergent by Veronica Roth
So I am sure the majority of you have either read this, watched it or heard about it. I have read on three books in this series and honestly loved them all, however Divergent (the first in the trilogy) has to be my favourite. For those of you who don't know the story is set in an alternate world and follows a female protagonist by the name of Tris. I think the reason I loved this book so much is the world Roth created really captured me, it was exciting and followed a female who wasn't the stereotypical weak and clumsy type. It captured romance also but not in the cringe, cliché way and I couldn't put it down (I read it in two days).

The Fault in our Stars-John Green
I feel like there will be a simultaneous groan when people see this as this is all everyone has seemed to speaking about in terms of books for like the past 2 years, and I tried not to include it because it was just so typical but I couldn't not. I fell in love with the characters of this book, it was the most beautiful love story I have ever read and the words in it gave me goose bumps. I, like the rest of the world sobbed at this book, and any book that can give me goose bumps, makes me laugh and then sob is an amazing book in my world and so it needed to be in this post. If you haven't read this book then do it is better then the movie and makes you appreciate a lot.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower-Stephen Clibosky
Yes I am a little late with this one. This was an extremely hyped up book a few years ago but I have only just got around to reading it this year. This book is simply beautiful. I have very few words to say about this except it is honestly the most humbling and relatable story I have come across.

Catching Fire-Suzanne Collins
Yes this is a very well known book also. For those of you who don't know Catching Fire is the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy. I adored the series but when it came to picking my favourite this won by a landslide. This book introduces new characters like I literally love and grew very attached to, and the setting and storyline in this book had so many twists and so well written that I couldn't put it down. The romance element like divergent wasn't cringe in fact in some places it was beautiful and heart warming.
Gone Girl-Gillian Flynn
Okay so I will admit that without the release of the film recently I would have never of heard or read this book. But oh my goodness this book is unreal. If this list was in order this book would easily be at number one. The plot twists are mind blowing and every chapter leaves you thinking 'Oh my god!'. The character development is perfection and the female protagonist is probably my favourite main character of any book I have ever read. I couldn't put this book down and anyone who is looking for an intense crime to read then go and buy this and anyone who enjoys programmes such as Criminal Minds and CSI you will love this!
Okay so these are my favourite reads of the year so far. I really had fun making this post and so you will probably see more like this in weeks to come.
Comment below any book recommendations you have for me because I am always stuck on what to read next
Thank you so much for reading
B x

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