Monday, May 11, 2015

How do you deal with gaining weight?- Anorexia Recovery

Hello :) 
Today I thought I'd write a post on one the most frequently asked question I get about my recovery from anorexia-"how do you deal with the weight gain in anorexia recovery?" 

Gaining weight has been hands down the hardest part of my anorexia recovery. At the start if my recovery I grew used to eating normally again within a few weeks, because I overcame this fear that if I eat food that I would immediately gain weight and be fat, but when I didn't I began to feel okay. 
However, obviously slowly overtime I did begin to put on weight, and when I saw this weight gained I completely freaked out and relapsed completely. 
When I gained weight my anorexia began screaming at me, calling me disgusting, fat, a failure,weak etc. and I believed it and gave in. 

But after a few months I got back into the recovery, because I learnt of ways to prepare myself and deal with the weight gain and the voice of anorexia. 
These ways aren't bulletproof, they won't magically make everything easier all the time. You need to accept that in order to healthy and love you have to out on weight, but they will hopefully make you strong and keep you motivated to stay in recovery: 

1)wear baggy clothes when you feel big or bloated- if you cover your body and can't see your shape you won't think about your changing body nor can you see it (out of sight, out of mind) 

2)on days when the anorexia is strong and you already have a negative view of yourself, avoid mirrors 

3)pick out 3 things about your body that you like everyday 

4)tell yourself that your body is becoming healthy. That your body needs to look this way to have children, to run, to travel, to go out, to live a fulfilling and amazing life

5)your body deserves this food

6)you aren't weak for eating. You're a zombie if you listen to the anorexia.

7)if you do not eat and gain weight to be healthy, you will die

8)your therapists aren't making you gain weight because they hate you and want you to be ugly. They are doing it to save your life and make you have a beautiful life, mind and body 

9)surround yourself with happy and positive people 

10)unfollow all thinspo accounts and pro-anorexia blogs

Recovering from anorexia will be one of the hardest things you'll do, but I swear to you it is so worth it in ways I can't even out into words for you. 
Please keep going I know days are hard and everyday is a battle but you're a warrior and you're so strong and you deserve a full life free of this. 
Fight for your freedom and fight for your life. 
I'm always here for support, please leave a comment or ask me on my tumblr-

Thank you for reading 
B x 

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